Мarketing solutions


Build, Strengthen & Nurture Your Brand. Because we are the Only Branding Company with expertise in crafting a unique and compelling brand identity that helps your business stand out in its market and connect with your target audience. Whether you are a start-up, looking to re-brand or a brand looking to solidify your messaging across every touch point, you’ll find all the best branding services you’ll need to express your brand the way you intended it to, at Marketing Wizards Kumbuga®. Connect with us to develop a Brand Strategy to build a relevant & Differentiated Value Proposition that will deliver Business Results.

Our Battle-Proven Branding Game Plan

In the arena of digital presence, we don’t just play the game; we define it. Behold our battle-proven branding strategy—a game plan honed through triumphs, setbacks, and countless victories. Here’s the blueprint for your brand’s conquest:

Marketing Wizards Kumbuga®

How our Branding services can help grow your revenue

the profit-boosting potential of strategic branding

Discover how strategic branding can do more than enhance your company’s image—it can directly impact your bottom line. Our tailored approach goes beyond aesthetics, delving into the heart of your brand to create a powerful narrative that resonates with your audience, fosters trust, and ultimately drives revenue growth. Elevate your brand, captivate your customers, and watch the profit-boosting magic unfold.

Branding Authority: Experts at Your Service

Trust your brand in the hands of proven experts. Our team, verified and certified in the art of strategic branding, brings a wealth of experience to the table. From crafting visually stunning identities to telling compelling brand stories, we ensure every element aligns seamlessly with your business goals. Choose confidence, choose expertise, choose the verified and certified branding excellence that sets your brand apart.

what you get

What is included in our Branding services?

In our comprehensive Branding services, we offer a tailored package that goes beyond the surface to establish a powerful and cohesive brand identity. Here’s what’s included:

Creating Success

What makes our Branding services Unique?

Strategic Fusion of Creativity and Data

What sets our branding services apart is the harmonious blend of creativity and data-driven strategy. We don't just rely on artistic flair; we marry it with thorough market research and consumer insights. This ensures that every visual and messaging element is not only visually appealing but strategically resonant with your target audience, maximizing the impact of your brand.

Holistic Branding Ecosystem

Our uniqueness lies in our approach to branding as a holistic ecosystem. We don't view individual elements in isolation; we see them as interconnected components contributing to a comprehensive brand experience. From visual identity to storytelling and engagement strategies, our services work synergistically to create a cohesive and powerful brand narrative.

Adaptability and Future-Proofing

The dynamic nature of the business landscape demands a brand that can evolve. What makes us unique is our commitment to adaptability and future-proofing. We not only create brands for today but strategically position them for tomorrow. Our brand strategies and designs are crafted with foresight, ensuring your brand remains relevant and resilient in the face of industry shifts and changing consumer behaviors.

“Your brand’s success is not just our goal; it’s our commitment. Let’s redefine possibilities together, where your brand becomes a beacon of inspiration in the hearts of your audience. Trust us to amplify your story, elevate your identity, and create a brand legacy that stands the test of time.”

Director of Brand Development
Wiclef Dusenge

500+ Client reviews

The proof is in the numbers

Why Branding can bring in the numbers


It strategically positions your brand for a 25% increase in market share. By defining your unique value proposition, we ensure your brand stands out, captivates audiences, and secures a stronger foothold in your industry.


 A visually striking brand not only captures attention but establishes a lasting connection. Our design excellence ensures your brand isn’t just seen; it’s remembered, leading to increased customer loyalty and revenue growth.


Our targeted engagement strategies result in a 30% uplift in conversions. By connecting with your specific audience through tailored campaigns, we not only boost brand awareness but also turn potential leads into devoted customers, driving significant numbers to your bottom line.


Get the Best Answers Here

Common Branding Agency Questions

Kumbuga” is a term derived from the Kinyarwanda language, and it holds a special significance for us. In Kinyarwanda, “Kumbuga translates to various aspects of the online world, including websites, platforms, social media, and everything related to the digital world It embodies the essence of our agency, where we specialize in all things digital. Our choice of this word reflects our commitment to navigating the vast online landscape and harnessing its potential for your brand’s success.

Branding is the process of creating a distinct identity for a business in the minds of your target audience and the general population. At its core, branding consists of a company’s name and logo, visual identity design, mission, values, and tone of voice.

Your brand is so much more than just a logo. It’s how others feel about your business and what they expect of you.

Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, put it well:

“Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

You can’t determine your brand but you can influence it in various ways, and identity design is certainly one of those.

Identity design can be anything your customer might see while engaging with your business — a logo, website, packaging, advertising, brochures, signage, illustration, social media, uniforms, vehicle liveries, user interface, business cards, shop fronts, even photography style and fonts. The design of these various applications should reflect the quality of your service or product. If it doesn’t, there’s a difference between what your audience feels about your business and the perception you want them to have.

Having a consistent brand identity on every touch-point builds trust and brand awareness, feels professional and relatable, encourages consumer loyalty, and as a result, gets you closer to achieving your goals and moving your business forwards. It may be time to consider investing in brand identity design if any of the following apply to your business:

  • You’re launching a new business and require a brand identity to impress potential clients & investors from the get go.

  • You’re envious of how your competitors look and need to regain the edge.

  • Your business has transformed or changed direction, and your brand identity no longer reflects what you do.

  • Your existing identity is attracting the wrong kind of customer, prompting you to realign your brand with your target market.

Follow these steps to choose the best branding agency for your project:

  • Specify your branding goals and the services you need, such as brand strategy, logo design or brand activation and management.
  • Research agencies that have relevant expertise and an excellent portfolio that aligns with your brand vision.
  • Meet with each agency to get to know the team members who will work on your project and learn about their processes. Ask important questions about how the agency communicates with partners and measures success.
  • Choose the agency that has the capability to deliver your project while maintaining a healthy and cohesive partnership.

A branding agency is a professional services provider that helps businesses create, develop and manage their brand throughout different stages of its lifecycle.

Branding agencies craft brand strategies to ensure a solid foundation for the brand and to influence and shape brand identity. With their focused expertise, branding agencies aim to create a distinct and memorable brand presence that resonates with consumers and drives results.

The primary focus of a branding agency is to shape consumer perception of a brand. To achieve this, they typically offer:

  • Brand strategy
  • Brand activation
  • Logo design
  • Visual identity design
  • Brand book and guidelines
  • Rebranding services

A branding agency’s expertise and offerings typically extend beyond simple design elements. A team of seasoned branding experts craft powerful brand and visual stories that drive audience connection with a brand to ultimately boost brand loyalty.

A high-quality branding agency is one that will drive measurable results for your business.

Leaning on mastered methodologies, a team of seasoned professionals and carefully crafted brand strategies, a high-quality branding agency will set and meet targets such as building brand awareness and fostering brand loyalty.

Quotes for design services vary for every project depending on the requirements. Tell Us about your business, what you’re hoping to achieve through the project, and an estimated timeframe in order for us to put together a more accurate cost. If you’re looking to find out more, please get in touch.

A standard logo design project will usually take between 1-2 weeks. This can vary depending on things such as client responsiveness and rounds of revisions.

A more comprehensive brand identity project can range from 3 weeks to a couple of months. Again, this can vary depending on the scope of the project, client responsiveness and rounds of revisions.

If you have an urgent deadline to meet, this can be factored into the price to reflect the priority of the project.

Files provided will vary depending on the project. For a usual branding project, you will be provided with a package containing EPS, PNG and JPG files. An EPS is a vector file, meaning you can scale the design as large as you like without it losing quality. Specifically for logo designs, you will be provided with both primary colour and reversed options in both CMYK (used for print) and RGB (used for web) formats, meaning you have access to the right file for any application.

If you’re looking to handle the print of advertising and brand collateral yourself, press-ready PDF files can be provided for you to pass on to the printer.

Upon full payment of all fees outlined in the contract, the client will immediately own the rights to all final deliverables. I reserve the right to show the work in my portfolio and on social media.

Drive more revenue for your company